Sunday, May 6, 2012

Restrepo - Tim Hertherington & Sebastian Junger - 2010

Restrepo was a film that took me completely by surprise. I was on Netflix one night and saw it as a recommendation, I watched it without knowing what I was getting into.

The film follows a United States platoon in the Korengal Valley which happens to be the deadliest place in Afghanistan. The soldiers then decide to build a base in the middle of the valley as a middle finger to the men who killed their brother in battle.

I'm not usually a big fan of war films, and I almost never watch wartime documentaries. But Restrepo was a film that I found completely fascinating due to the high tension that it was able to create, tension that mirrored the fantastic war narrative film by Katherine Bigalow The Hurt Locker.

As a viewer I greatly appreciated the risks taken both by our soldiers and by the filmmakers who were right there in the action. What saddens me is that in 2011 director Tim Hertherington was killed while filming the conflict in Libya.

Restrepo is a film that should be seen by all just as a means of appreciation for our troops and for all of the reporters who risk their lives bringing the troops stories to us.

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