Saturday, May 26, 2012

Burn After Reading - The Coen Brothers - 2008

Burn After Reading is one of the least talked about Coen Brothers films, especially one of the least talked about recent film of theirs. This is unfortunate because personally I feel that Burn After Reading is one of their most entertaining films, no matter how pointless it may seem.

The plot of the film is simple enough to follow yet almost impossible to explain. It centers around some idiots who get their hands on some "spy shit". From there the film becomes a hilariously complex as none of the characters in the film seem to know how to react at all properly and have no reasoning in their thought process.

The script is wonderfully fresh and is a wonderfully acted film. George Clooney, Bradd Pitt, Frances McDormand, and John Malkovitch all give stand out performances as completely irrational and dumb people. Another great (yet small) performance was given by J.K. Simmons who actually provides some of the biggest laughs in the film.

Burn After Reading is not a film for everyone, it is a film that some will turn away from because it seems too stupid, which is true only on the surface. But if you allow yourself to be entertained you will love the film.

1 comment:

  1. A very smart movie: I still feel like it's an incomplete script in a lot of ways, but great performances and hyuks all around,
