Sunday, May 13, 2012

Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock - 1960

Happy Mother's Day. To celebrate I'm recommending a film that has one of the most interesting Mom characters of all time.

Psycho is one of the best made and most important films of all time. I say most important because the film helped change the way in which we approach going to a theater to watch films. Hitchcock made theaters ban people from arriving late at a film, by literally locking them out if they arrived late (a common occurrence in those days).

As far as the way the film is made is concerned you really can't find a better example of how to make a film. All of the elements work together in harmony in a film that is unlike all others.

Part of what makes Psycho feel so different from other films is the way that the narrative is structured. Without giving it away the film basically switches main characters about halfway through the film in a way that feels very organic.

Psycho in a way was very much an independent film. Hitchcock had a very minimal budget and shot with a very minimal crew in a way that mimics the way that up and coming independent filmmakers are working today.

Psycho is a great film and is one that everyone should see. It is the first film most think about when they hear the name Hitchcock and that is for a very good reason. It is an unforgettable film that was expertly crafted by one of the legends of filmmaking.

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