Saturday, April 28, 2012

Unbreakable - M. Night Shayamalan - 2000

M. Night Shayamalan is a director that is often the subject of debate among film nerds like myself. The debate is usually about his talent which is due to the fact that his past few films have been both critical and box office flops. With that being said Shayamalan does have some really solid films under his belt, my favorite of which is Unbreakable.

There is a lot I like about this film, which is a bleak and beautifully shot superhero origin story that has a feeling like no other. Bruce Willis plays David, a security guard who when he is the sole survivor of a terrible accident is approached by a local comic book store owner (Samuel. L Jackson) claiming that David may have superhuman abilities.

The pacing of this film as well as the overall structure of the narrative are completely different than any other film in the superhero genre and feels, and is, far more of a slowly paced character study.

The performances of the film are fantastic and subtle, in particular Samuel L. Jackson's portrayal of a fragile comic book store owner in search for a real life hero. Jackson really goes against type in this film, he is known as an actor whose intensity causes him to scream a lot, but in this film he is able to channel his intensity in a different way which really made him standout in the film.

Unbreakable is an incredibly interesting and overlooked film that deserves multiple viewings.


  1. I still love this movie. It saddens me to know that it was supposed to be the first in a trilogy, but lackluster box office kept it from succeeding.

  2. M Night Shymalan is capable of making really good movies...he just...Hasn't lately.

  3. A great movie..I think I will see this movie again this weekend.
