Friday, April 13, 2012

Blow-Up - Michaelangelo Anotonioni - 1966

Blow- Up is a film that both requires and rewards audience participation. Simply stated you get what you give when watching the film in that it is a film that has multiple levels of meaning and can be seen in a number of ways and unique to every viewer.

On the surface Blow-Up is a film about a hot shot photographer who notices something strange in the background of one of his photos of a park. So he enlarges the photo again and again until he realizes what he has shot... a body. He then undergoes a journey of self discovery as he tries to uncover the truth.

On a deeper level the film can be seen as a metaphor for reality, specifically the search for a deeper level of reality and even a deeper level of being. We see a character grow and change as he claws his way out from a spoiled world filled with money and sex into a world where possessions don't seem to matter at all and he envies those who have nothing.

This was a film that both inspired by Hitchcock (Rear Window) and inspired Hitchcock with it's use of camera while shooting on location.

The film is challenging but rewarding, weather you're looking for a well made simple mystery or a complex metaphor of life and reality.

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